The English AIQ-21 is no longer available on this website,
nor as a download.
The English AIQ-21 has changed its name to the AIQ-concise and has been incorporated into the Comprehensive Aphasia Test (2nd edition) replacing the Disability Questionnaire.
The CAT-2 is available to buy from Taylor & Francis.
International AIQ-21s are still available to download from this website for the time being (see below).
Danish AIQ-21
Hvordan påvirker afasi din hverdag Spørgeskema
Dutch AIQ-21
Associate: Sandra Wielaert
Coming soon ... work in progress by Sandra Wielaert, Rijndam
Catalan AIQ-21
Qüestionari sobre les conseqüències de l’afàsia Versió breu
Adrià Rofes, Anna Gavarró and Io Salmons. Acquisition and Pathology Lab, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Groningen
Slovakian AIQ-21
Dotazník vplyvu afázie
Associate: Patrik Mackulin
Japanese AIQ-21
To be combined into the J-CAT (T&F)
Mutsuo Ijuin, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Prefectural University of Hiroshima
Toshiko Watamori, Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Sciences
Hebrew AIQ
שאלון על השפעת האפזיה:
תקשורת, השתתפות ואיכות חיים
Galit Ben-Or; Ezra LeMarpe Rehabilitation Center, Bnei Brak Michal Biran; Ariel University, Department of Communication Disorders, Ariel & Ezra LeMarpe Rehabilitation Center, Bnei Brak
AIQ-21 Hebrew AIQ (Hebrew)
Greek AIQ-21
Dr Marina Charalambous and Prof Maria Kambanaros, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Cyprus University of Technology
Hungarian AIQ-21 Next AIQ
… coming soon. … coming soon